Your brand is safe with Branda.

Branda is an end-to-end solution that has you covered in everything related to brand protection, so you will have time to focus on your business. 

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You're in good company:

Branda is an AI-powered super platform for smart legal brand protection.

Brand protection can be overwhelming, especially for small businesses. But don’t worry, because Branda has you covered in each and every step of the brand protection process. 


We register smart trademarks using AI, for better and faster trademarks at a fixed price. No hidden fees or surprise bills.


We monitor the market for brand abuse and let you know whenever someone else is using your brand.


We have a built-in Cease and Desist letter generator and a one-click take down in marketplaces and social platforms.


We handle each and every task of portfolio management, including proof of use, renewals, licensing and more.

Every business needs trademarks.

Is your trademark protected?

According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), proper brand protection must be proactive. After registering a trademark, stay on guard for infringements or you might lose your rights.

Join our POM program for peace of mind that your brand is in good hands.

Don’t risk it!​

Brand abuse can result in trademark hijacking, reputation and revenue loss, legal liability and worse.

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Standard alerts in the Basic version notify you of potential brand abuses. The Pro version’s real-time, detailed alerts enable immediate action against brand infringements. The Enterprise version can have customized alert settings based on business requirements.


Basic monitoring in the Free version offers fundamental brand protection on major platforms. The Pro version’s advanced scanning provides comprehensive brand protection across various channels. The Enterprise version offers customizable monitoring solutions tailored to specific business needs.


Brand Protection Dashboard

The Basic version does not include dashboard access. The Pro version features an advanced, interactive smart dashboard with detailed insights and controls, while the Enterprise version offers a fully customizable dashboard tailored to the specific needs of larger businesses.

Automated Enforcement Tools

Automated enforcement tools like Cease and Desist letters and legal takedowns are exclusive to the Pro version, providing robust brand protection. The Enterprise version offers tailored enforcement solutions.

Portfolio Management

Full management of licensing, renewals, and trademark administration is provided in the Pro version. The Enterprise version offers bespoke portfolio management services.

Trademark Maintenance Tools

The Pro version includes tools for maintaining trademarks, ensuring they remain current and compliant. The Enterprise version offers tailored trademark maintenance solutions.


While the Basic version offers access to online resources for self-guided assistance, the Pro version provides a dedicated legal support team for personalized assistance and expert guidance.





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Don't Have a trademark?

Here's what you need to get started.

Fill out a 3 minutes form telling us about your mark and business.

Get a smart clearance report predicting the chances of registration.

That’s it. We will take care of everything else.

It’s literally that simple!

Our clients love us

“Our previous experience with brand protection professionals has left us stressed and confused. A friend recommended Branda, and we instantly loved it. Everything is simple yet professional with no hidden costs. We now have the peace of mind our brand is in safe hands.”

Y. Shwimmer

Business owner, The Notepad.

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Trademark registration is the most effective way to protect your brand, as it gives you legal protection against anyone using your brand without your permission.

Brand protection is important for small businesses because it helps to establish credibility, differentiate your business from competitors, and build customer loyalty. A strong brand can also increase the value of your business and make it more attractive to potential investors or buyers.

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods or services. It can be used to protect a brand by indicating to consumers the source of the goods or services they are purchasing, and by deterring others from using a similar mark in a way that could cause confusion.

A trademark is used to protect a brand’s reputation and goodwill, while copyright is used to protect creative works, such as literature, music, art, and software. Copyrights are typically owned by the creator of the work, while trademarks are owned or licensed by the company or brand using them.

A strong trademark is distinctive, meaning it is not likely to be confused with other trademarks or generic terms. It is also important for a trademark to not be descriptive of the goods or services it is used to identify.


Cybersquatters are people who register domain names that are similar to your brand’s name, with the intention of selling them back to you or using them to confuse customers. To protect your brand from cybersquatters, you need to monitor your brand’s online presence regularly to catch any potential cybersquatting attempts early on.

A trademark registration can last indefinitely as long as the mark is used in commerce and the owner maintains the registration by filing required documents and paying renewal fees.

Trademark infringement occurs when someone uses a mark in a way that is likely to cause confusion with another registered trademark. Infringement can occur through the use of a similar mark on competing goods or services, or through the use of a mark on unrelated goods or services in a way that suggests a connection to the owner of the registered trademark.

Brand hijacking is when someone else takes control of or uses your brand without your permission, often for their own benefit. This can include unauthorized registration or use of your trademark, or creating fake social media accounts or websites in your brand’s name.

Yes, it is possible to register a trademark internationally through the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Madrid Protocol. This allows you to seek protection for your trademark in multiple countries with a single application. Contact us for more details.

A trademark license is a legal agreement between the owner of a trademark and another party that allows the other party to use the trademark in exchange for payment or other consideration. A license can be granted for a specific period of time and for specific uses of the trademark.